Yearly vocabulary
1. Indifferent: Without interest or concern; not caring
2. Mutual: Something having to do with two or more persons or things at the same time; common
3. Hostile: Not friendly; having characteristics of an enemy
4. Profound: showing or requiring great knowledge or understanding
5. Composure: Steadiness of mind under stress; coolness
6. Flamboyant: strikingly bold or brilliant, showy, often tasteless
7. Lackluster: Lacking shine; dull
8. Fret: To be worried and have anxiety
9. Maternal: Motherly
10. Procrastinate: To put off
11. Eavesdrop: to listen secretly to private conversations.
12. Articulate: Well-spoken; clear
13. Debris: Scattered remains, rubble
14. Trivial: Of little importance
15. Repress: To hold back or put down with force
16. Bizarre: Extremely unusual; strange
17. Superficial: Concerned with the obvious only; shallow
18. Disperse: To scatter; to distribute
19. Rejuvenate: To restore youth; to restore to new or original condition.
20. Benevolent: Showing, doing, or resulting in good.
21. Simultaneously: Two things that happen at the same time.
22. Concise: Communication that is short and to the point.
23. Proximity: Closeness
24. Incite: To get something started
25. Prestigious: Having a high reputation, distinguished, respected
26. Obsolete: No longer in use
27. Constraints: Something that limits, prevents, or holds something back
28. Irate: Incredibly angry
29. Avenge: To get revenge
30. Innate: Possessed at birth
31. Permeate: To spread or flow through
32. Skeptical: Doubting, disbelieving
33. Tranquil: Calm and peaceful
34. Paradox: Something that is true but seems impossible or a contradiction
35. Sinister-Threatening, evil
36. Vigorous-Done with force and liveliness
37. Devout-Devoted to religion; sincere
38. Bystander-A person present at an event but not participating in it
39. Appall-To fill with horror, disgust, or outrage
40. Frail-Easily broken
41. Placid-Calm; Peaceful
42. Translucent-Permitting light to pass through but not enough to allow a clear viewing of objects on the other side
43. Transparent-See through
44. Bewilder-To confuse
45. Elaborate-To express in greater detail
46. Omniscient-All knowing
47. Consensus-A group decision
48. Hierarchy-A ranking system
49. Autonomy-Independent
50. Magnanimous-Amazingly forgiving and self-sacrificing
51. Photogenic-Looks good in photographs
52. Philanthropy-Someone who dedicates their life to the betterment of human kind
53. Euphoria-The state of extreme happiness. A wonderful feeling of well being.
54. Abridge: reduce in the amount while keeping the most important parts
55. Acronym: a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name
56. Candid: Honest, straightforward, natural
57. Delectable: Extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
58. Chronic: Something that last a long time or keeps coming back (usually something unhealthy)
59. Flourish: To bloom or grow vigorously
60. Innocuous: Something that produces no harm
61. Eclectic: Choosing what seems best from different styles or ideas
62. Latent: Something that exists but is not visible yet
63. Impeccable: Without flaw or error.
64. Prognosis-A medical prediction
65. Allege-Something that is claimed to be true but has not been proven.
66. Biopsy-A testing of human tissue for medical purposes.
67. Coherent-Communication that is easily understood.
68. Compromise: To put oneself in danger.
69. Impede: To stop the progress of.
70. Accolades: Awards, recognition, praise.
71. Clarify: To make clear
72. Blatant: Very obvious
73. Dialect: A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especially a variety of speech.
74. Connotation: The idea or meaning associated with a word
75. Counterfeit: Fake
76. Plagiarism: To take the credit of another person’s work
77. Renown: Well known
78. Enhance: To make better
79. Credible: Believable
80. Oblivious: Totally unaware of something
81. Ruthless: Without mercy
82. Detest: To hate strongly
83. Spontaneous: Occurring without planning or without explanation
84. Succinct: Short and to the point, concise
85. Horizontal: A straight line going from left to right
86. Conspicuous: Easily seen or noticed
87. Badger: To bother
88. Scurry: To run with light steps
89. Cope: To deal with a problem or hardship
90. Concoct: To create by combining items
91. Prelude: The beginning
92. Legible: Capable of being read
93. Elapse: To slip by or pass (as in time)
94. Replenish: To refill
95. Potent: Very strong
96. Mentor: A wise and trusted counselor or teacher
97. Tact: Being sensitive in words and actions when dealing with others.
98. Detriment: Causing harm
99. Conventional: Based on how things usually occur. What is generally accepted by the group
100. Sedate: To put to sleep or relax
101. Stereotype: Simple qualities given to all members of a group related to race, gender, age group etc.
102.Equilibrium: To create a balance. To make things equal.
103. Utter: To speak
104.Savor: To taste with great pleasure, appreciation and enjoyment
105.Instinctive: To do naturally
106. Ponder: To think about (new word)
107.Coincidence: Two things happening at the same time, seemingly planned but actually an accident
108.Fidget: To move nervously
109.Dismay: To be disappointed
110. Cease: To stop
111. Complexion: The quality and color of skin, especially that of the face
112. Acquire: To get or receive by your own effort