Friday, September 3, 2010

Science Vocabulary Words

1) Compare: To tell how two things are the same
2) Contrast: To tell how two things are different
3) Observe: To watch or study carefully
4) Locate: To find
5) Effect: The result of something
6) Data: A collection of information
7) Region: A large area of land
8) Predict: To guess what is going to happen in the future
9) Elevation: How high something is
10) Meteorologist: Someone that studies the weather (or atmosphere)
11) Climate: Repeated weather patterns
12) Conditions: The current situation
13) Current: Events that are going on RIGHT NOW
14) Precipitation: Water that falls from the sky
15) Characteristics: Terms that describe someone or something
16) Altitude: How high something is
17) Local: Your surroundings
18) Aquatic: Having to do with water
19) Terrestrial: Having to do with land or Earth
20) Uneven: Unequal, unbalanced, not even
21) Degree: A number that tells a unit of measurement. In this case a degree is the number that tells your specific latitude on a map.
22) Latitude: A line on a map that tells your location north or south of the Equator
23) Factor: Something that causes an effect or change
24) Surface: The outside layer
25) Strike: To hit
26) Solar: Related to the Sun
27) Addition: To add
28) Hemisphere: Half of a sphere
29) Maximum: The most possible
30) Minimum: The least possible
31) Trend: Following a general course
32) Pattern: Something that repeats
33) Orbit: To circle around another object
34) Revolution: The path around another object
35) Experience: Something you go through
36) Waning: When the lit side of the moon is getting smaller
37) Waxing: When the lit side of the moon is getting larger
38) Gibbous: Almost a full moon (it can be waxing or waning)
39) Lunar: Moon
40) Solstice: When one hemisphere is receiving the maximum solar rays and the other hemisphere is receiving the minimum
41) Equinox: When both hemispheres are receiving the same amount of solar rays
42) Penumbra: The lighter part of the shadow in an eclipse
43) Umbra: The darkest shadow in an eclipse

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